We welcome you warmly to our community and hope you join us in prayer, fellowship, and service.
Saint Mary Magdalene Parish is the combined communities of the former St. Benedict Parish (Blue Island), St. Peter Claver Mission (Robbins) and St. Walter Parish (Chicago). Although the parish name is new, the communities share a rich history that stretches back to the 1860s.
The Archdiocese of Chicago formed Saint Mary Magdalene Parish in 2021. We use the facilities at all three of our locations, as each space
adds something which the others do not provide.

It was Mary Magdalene who first brought the Good News of the Resurrection. She who assisted Jesus in his ministry through sharing her resources and stood at the cross at his darkest hour, was chosen to be the first witness of His glorious Resurrection. She is the “Apostle to the Apostles” and a model of Christian witness for our day and age.